Presenting at the White House Eviction Prevention Summit
Presenting at the White House Eviction Prevention SummitIn July of 2021, Judge RachelBell was a featured speaker during the White House Eviction Prevention Summit. During the summit, Judge Bell shared the work being done in Davidson County through the L.E.G.A.C.Y. (Let Every Goal Achieve Continuous Yields) Housing Resource Diversionary Court & Program, which she oversees. The court partners with the City of Nashville to disperse federal CARES Act funding with the Tennessee Supreme Court to provide mediation services to participants. Presenting before the White House about ways her court is successfully helping citizens during a national crisis is quite an honor. Through Judge Bell’s efforts, tenants and landlords with active eviction cases were able to settle their legal matter in a manner where both parties were happy with the outcome but most importantly, individuals and families were able to keep their homes.